Course Description:
If you are carrying out work at your property and have come across asbestos in some form, it is vital you understand the health risks associated with the material and allow industry professionals to assess the area through testing and surveying rather than try to tackle the problem yourself. Here at Amity Group, we are specialists in dealing with asbestos Oxford so trust us to perform professional assessment and removal on every occasion.
Asbestos was used in all manner of products as a strengthening agent before the health risks associated with it were discovered. Its presence can be detected in a number of products that can be found in both commercial and domestic properties. Areas from bespoke kitchens Oxford to basements could contain asbestos so at the first sign, make sure you call in the professionals.
There are multiple health risks associated with coming into contact with asbestos, however it is important to remember that health problems only occur when fibres are present in the air due to materials containing asbestos being damaged.
As specialists in the identification and removal of asbestos, we are on hand to deliver a level of service that efficiently removes the health risks associated with asbestos through our professional, safe and proven techniques.
Asbestosis is a disease caused by asbestos fibres which affects the lungs and makes breathing difficult. Other diseases that can occur as a result of coming into contact with such fibres include Mesothelioma and lung cancer.
If you work in the construction industry, it is incredibly important that you are aware of the risks asbestos carries and are able to identify the areas in which it could be present. If you are unsure as to whether asbestos has been used within an application, calling our dedicated team for expert surveying is highly recommended.
Choose Amity Group to diminish the chances of falling ill as result of asbestos Oxford. If you would like to know more about our array of specialist services, simply search our website today to discover all we are able to carry out for you. For the safe surveying and removal of asbestos, there is simply no better team to call.
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